Part of the AIDA-E (Analysis of Images to Detect Abnormalities in Endoscopy) challenge


Celiac disease  is an immune-mediated enteropathy triggered by exposure to gluten and similar proteins which affects genetically susceptible persons, increasing their risk of different complications such as malignant lymphomas, small-bowel neoplasia, oropharyngeal tumors, osteoporosis, and bone fractures. In the clinical practice, the diagnosis of Celiac disease is made with a diagnostic intestinal biopsy and the concomitant presence of a positive celiac serology. Small bowels mucosa damage due to Celiac disease involves various degrees of endoscopically relevant lesions, that are not easily recognized: their overall sensitivity and positive predictive values are poor even when zoom endoscopy is used.

Confocal  laser endomicroscopy (CLE) has recently revealed to be a useful technique for in vivo virtual histology of small bowels mucosa, but requires skilled and specifically trained operators.

The damage vary from mild, with only an increase in intraepithelial lymphocytes and Crypt Hyperplasia (CH), to severe form, which involves various degrees of endoscopically relevant lesions such as villous Atrophy (VA).

The chellenge signature is to develop a system to detect in each image the either a normal mucosa or the presence of  villous atrophy (VA), crypt hypertrophy (CH) of both (VACH).


  1. Please read first the challenge terms and conditions.
  2. Please register for the challenge by filling in the online registration form *(Registration will open in mid-November 2015). This registration is a *mandatory step before downloading data and submitting results to the challenge.
  3. Upon reception of your registration form, you will receive a link to download the dataset.
  4. After the results submission deadline the organizers will evaluate the results, and outcomes will be sent back to the authors for inclusion in their submission.


  • Mid November 2015: Release of the first training dataset.
  • Mid November 2015: Registration opens.
  • October 2015: Challenge website launched.
  • March 15th 2016: test set released
  • April 4th 2016: deadline for submitting results
  • April 13th 2016: challenge session at ISBI 2016